Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of STRUCTURAL MECHANICS 4th Sem/Civil/3510/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
i. What are the various tools and accessories required for electrical installation?
ii. What are the main factors in designing support structures?
iii. Discuss procedure of design of towers and structures.
iv. What is a relay? Distinguish between static and electromechanical relays?
v. Discuss the methods of earthing of transmission line.
vi. What are the differences between Current transformer (C.T.) and Potential transformer (P.T.)?
vii. What are the minimum clearance levels of conductors above ground?
viii. Discuss the Murray loop test with neat diagram.
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=3
i. Explain the working of cutout relay in charging system.
ii. Write advantage and disadvantage of alternator on dynamo.
iii. What do you mean by battery efficiency?
iv. Write function of regulator in dc motor.
v. What is the function of fog light? How it works?
vi. Draw layout of ECU.
vii. What is the role of drive unit in starting motor?
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Discuss the various parts and design of towers used for transmission system.
b. How are underground cables laid?
c. Explain the BDV test for transformer oil.
d. What do you mean by outdoor substation? Explain pole mounted and plinth mounted substations.
STRUCTURAL MECHANICS 4th Sem/Civil/3510/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A:-STRUCTURAL MECHANICS 4th Sem/Civil/3510/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
What are the various tools and accessories required for electrical installation?Various tools and accessories required for electrical installation.
What are the main factors in designing support structures?main factors in designing support structures.
Procedure of design of towers and structures.
Relay. Distinguish between static and electromechanical relays.
Methods of earthing of transmission line.
Differences between Current transformer (C.T.) and Potential transformer (P.T.).
Minimum clearance levels of conductors above ground.
Murray loop test with neat diagram.
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STRUCTURAL MECHANICS 4th Sem/Civil/3510/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Get Started B :-STRUCTURAL MECHANICS 4th Sem/Civil/3510/Feb 2021 Diploma Paper
Discuss the various parts and design of towers used for transmission system.Various parts and design of towers used for transmission system.
How are underground cables laid.
Explain the BDV test for transformer oil.
outdoor substation
Explain pole mounted and plinth mounted substations.